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Thomas Kinkade

Aladdin Jewel Edition on Canvas

Price:  $4320
Item#:  91029

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image Size:
42 x 28 in.
Jewel Edition on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Jewel Edition is an extremely limited edition, which includes hand applied "Jewel Dust" to strategic elements of the image. It is then finished by a Master Highlighter with additional highlighting and a special "Jewel Edition" silkscreen Remarque is applied to the verso side of the canvas. Each Jewel Edition is designated by letter J/E during the numbering process.

Who am I?And with whom will I share a lifetime of love?These are two of the great themes of each of our lives; questions we seek to answer in our own life's journey.

In Disney's magical animated classic, Aladdin, based on the folktale Aladdin, or the Wonderful Lamp from the collection One Thousand and One Nights, both Aladdin and Jasmine seek answers to these two great questions.The peasant boy Aladdin pretends to be a prince to win the hand of his beloved Jasminend Princess Jasmine pretends to be a peasant to break the confines of her palace home.As they soar above Agrabah and the surrounding kingdom on a magic carpet ridey discover a whole new world of adventure and lovend the realization that we only need to be ourselves, not someone else, to find true love and that wondrous place for you and me.

Thomas Kinkade Studios is proud to present Aladdin with the hope that you too will discover that wondrous place and love for your life.

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