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William Phillips

Accompaniment To The Symphony Of Spring Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $695
Item#:  2969

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36 x 18 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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about this piece
Spring has arrived in the coastal town of Phillips Bay and so has the annual music festival-one of the most anticipated events of the year. While the audience gathers 'round the gazebo to look and listen while three musicians warm up, the rest of the quartet-a violinist-practices her strings solo. (Perhaps she's a bit nervous?) A magical moment for sure, the longer light of day is still evident as the full moon rises, and the street lamps and walkway lights come on as a lovely overture to the symphony of spring. Spring has arrived in the coastal town of Phillips Bay and so has the annual musical festival- one of the most anticipated events of the year. While the audience gathers 'round the gazebo to look and listen as three musicians warm up, the rest of the quartet - a violinist - practices her strings solo. (Perhaps she's a bit nervous?) A magical moment for sure, the longer light of day is still evident as the full moon rises, and the street lamps and walkway lights come on as a lovely overture to the sympony of spring in William Phillips' fine art print Accompaniment to the Symphony of Spring. Spring has arrived in the coastal town of Phillips Bay and so has the annual musical festival- one of the most anticipated events of the year. While the audience gathers 'round the gazebo to look and listen as three musicians warm up, the rest of the quartet - a violinist - practices her strings solo. (Perhaps she's a bit nervous?) A magical moment for sure, the longer light of day is still evident as the full moon rises, and the street lamps and walkway lights come on as a lovely overture to the sympony of spring. Giclee prints represent an elevation in printmaking technology. Images are high resolution digital scans printed with archival quality inks. The giclee process provides better color accuracy than other means of reproduction
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