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Tucker Smith

Great Northern Artist's Proof on Paper

Price:  $2659.95
Item#:  32776

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45 x 11.25 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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about this piece
Tucker Smith for known especially for his train paintings including the "Canadian Pacific Railway," "Union Pacific 'Big Boy'" and 'The Challenger' and the "Colorado Narrow Gauge." But our favorite was this, "The Great Northern," with its dramatic sweeping landscape and renown train.

Nicknamed the 'Empire Builder' after its founder James Hill, the Great Northern dominated the Northwest from the 1930s through the 1940s. Hill built the railroad without any government funds, supporting the endeavor by helping to develop Glacier National Park, which in turn promoted travel on the train. The Great Northern was eventually sold and incorporated into other lines to form the Burlington Northern.

In this painting the Great Northern steams through scenic Glacier National Park in northwest Montana, boldly crossing a narrow trestle high above historic Two Medicine River. This is how the Great Northern would have looked on a fine summer day in the late 1930s, the white-capped Rocky Mountains keeping their snow all year round.

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