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Thomas Kinkade

Via Dolorosa SN Canvas

Price:  $795
Item#:  36942

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image Size:
18 x 24 in.
SN Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Standard Numbered Canvas is individually hand-highlighted and numbered with the designation of S/N in the numbering process.

In the Middle Ages Via Dolorosa was identified as the route along which Christ carried His cross; I've set my easel at the very spot commemorating where Christ received His crown of thorns.

In addition to being a spiritual landmark for Christians Via Dolorosa is also a modern street in the Arab section of the old city. As I worked, small Arab children gathered about me and at one point playfully pelted me with pebbles. Happilyrab shopkeepers immediately came to my rescue and chased off the pint-sized intruders. I later bought a decorative tile from one of my rescuers as a small gesture of thanks.

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