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Thomas Kinkade

Quiet Evening Renaissance Edition on Canvas

Price:  $4469.95
Item#:  43512

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30 x 24 in.
Renaissance Edition on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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$19.95 or less when combined

5 - 7 days plus transit time
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about this piece
For images released prior to April 6, 2012 Renaissance Edition is a reserve edition created with a textured brushstroke process that recreates the artist's actual brush work. It is finished by a Master Highlighter and a special Remarque is applied to the verso side of the canvas. Upon satisfactory completion artist hand signed the front of the canvas and a foil-stamped silver Renaissance Edition seal is applied to the back. Each Renaissance Edition is designated by the letters R/E during the numbering process. For images released after April 6, 2012 Renaissance Edition is a special reserve edition created with a textured brushstroke process. A Master Highlighter enhances the image with additional highlights and a special Remarque is applied to the verso side of the canvas. Lastly foil-stamped silver Renaissance Edition seal is applied to the back of the canvas. Each Renaissance Edition is designed with the letters R/E during the numbering process.

The heart has its special places: quiet retreats, fragrant with the sweet perfume of flowers, bathed in the romantic light of sunset, soothed by the music of a laughing brook and droning bees. Places made possible by the precious gift of love.

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