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Thomas Kinkade

Italian Cafe - Europe Brushworks Canvas Burl Frame

Price:  $119
Item#:  109468
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7 x 5 in.
Brushworks Canvas Burl Frame
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9 - 11 days plus transit time
USPS Priority
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
Overall Size: 10.5 x 12.5

More Information
Each exquisite piece in the Brushworks Collection, framed in either Golden Sunset or Burl, is an elegantly crafted version of Thomas Kinkade's most beloved paintings.These hand textured pieces give the viewer the impression that they are viewing an original painting, with all its detailed brushwork and ornate beauty.

  • Premium canvas substrate on hardboard
  • Hand textured
  • Choice of hardwood framing
  • Engraved brass nameplate
  • Certificate of authenticity included
  • Made in the USA

From Thomas Kinkade Studio

If ever a place could whisk away the troubles of the day, it would be here. Once a fisherman's harbor, now this quaint southern Sicilian village draws weekenders, beach-dwellers, and romantics. At every turn, the streets and piazzas are lined with stalls of fresh and local food; aubergines, fish, zucchini, tomatoes, and almonds. Like they have for centuries, the shop keepers have watered down the streets and entryways to limit the dust and sand that had blown in overnight. As the day begin, a young lady fetches a loaf of bread and an elderly painter sets up his pallet and make-shift easel looking to capture the sea and the sails. Although Michelangelo's coffee and pastries are known throughout the island, the cafe offers more than just sustenance for the body, it also offers a timeless encounter with Italy's flora and fauna, a complete reprieve for the soul. Allow Thomas Kinkade Studios to draw you into the fertile hills of Italy's finest vineyards to the salty shores of the Mediterranean Sea and everywhere in between with the release their newest painting, Italian Cafe, a work that encapsulates every delicate aspect of southern Sicily.
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