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Thomas Kinkade

Follow the Yellow Brick Road Artist's Proof on Canvas

Price:  $2120
Item#:  75370

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image Size:
42 x 28 in.
Artist's Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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6 - 8 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Artist Proof Canvas is issued in a small edition. Artist Proofs are individually hand-highlighted and are designated with the letters A/P during the numbering process.

Since its opening, The Wizard of Oz film has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions of viewers.In Follow the YELLOW BRICK ROADll of the great Wizard of Oz characters are captured as their journey begins down the fabulous Yellow Brick Road.Glinda the Good Witch looks on as the Munchkins merrily celebrate their newly gained freedom from the Wicked Witch of the East whose demise came from a falling house.Above Munchkinland Professor Marvel balloon floats towards the Emerald City while Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Cowardly Lion begin their adventure.And, of course Wicked Witch of the West looks on, watching their progress and hoping for an opportunity to capture the fabled Ruby Slippers.

The color and beauty of the Land of Oz have been elaborated in this masterwork using Thomas Kinkade Studios' signature romantic luminist style. Gorgeous flower beds line the Yellow Brick Road and the mountains in the distance are glowing with the warmth of the passing day.The dappling of light on the ground appears from the shadows as the sun bursts through the foliage of the trees. Dimension emerges and the image comes to life with these artistic effects. Join with Thomas Kinkade Studios and all those who love the fantasy of The Wizard of Oz in celebration of this exciting release.

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