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Thomas Kinkade

Edinburgh, Scotland Artist's Proof on Canvas

Price:  $820
Item#:  92660

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image Size:
16 x 12 in.
Artist's Proof on Canvas
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
The Artist Proof Canvas is issued in a small edition. Artist Proofs are individually hand-highlighted and are designated with the letters A/P during the numbering process.

The decades-long love affair between the Kinkade family and the British Isles continues with Edinburgh, Scotland, my plein air portrayal of a city of almost magical charm. I've never had so strong a sense of the living Middle Ages as I did when I sat before my easel overlooking Edinburgh's famed Old Town. The towers and turrets of the magnificent castle and the spires of churches contrast with the horizontal sweep of colonnades along the royal mile. The architecture reflects and amplifies the grandeur of the rugged hillsides and the lush, sweeping parkway.

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