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Thomas Kinkade

Cinderella Wishes Upon a Dream Publisher's Proof on Paper

Price:  $320
Item#:  92214

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27 x 18 in.
Publisher's Proof on Paper
Numbered Limited Edition
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24 hours plus transit time
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about this piece
The Publisher Proof Paper is a very small edition available at the discretion of the Publisher. Numbered and are designated PP during the numbering process.

Cinderella Wishes Upon A Dream, fourth piece in my popular Disney Dreams Collection, has given me the chance to push the limits of my ability farther than I ever have. Hundreds of hours of detailing were required to capture a setting magical enough for a princess and her charming prince. On the towering mountain in the distance we see Cinderella's castle vision inspired by the movie. Coming down from the castle road we see Cinderella's horseman and coach, galloping towards the sleeping village below.

As Cinderella and her prince cross the stone bridge over the lover's reflecting pool, we pause to enjoy the numerous details that make this scene so inviting. Cinderella's many friends are here. This is proof positive that for Cinderella's deepest wishes to come true, she'll need a little help from her friends!

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