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Thomas Kinkade

Biltmore in the Fall - North Carolina Brushworks Canvas Gold Frame

Price:  $119
Item#:  109089
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7 x 5 in.
Brushworks Canvas Gold Frame
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9 - 11 days plus transit time
USPS Priority
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
Overall Size: 10.5 x 12.5

More Information
Each exquisite piece in the Brushworks Collection, framed in either Golden Sunset or Burl, is an elegantly crafted version of Thomas Kinkade's most beloved paintings.These hand textured pieces give the viewer the impression that they are viewing an original painting, with all its detailed brushwork and ornate beauty.

  • Premium canvas substrate on hardboard
  • Hand textured
  • Choice of hardwood framing
  • Engraved brass nameplate
  • Certificate of authenticity included
  • Made in the USA

From Thomas Kinkade Studio

Spring may bring a vibrancy of new colors after a long winter, but fall is where the majesty and bounty of nature exudes its most magnificent hues. Biltmore in the Fall, by Thomas Kinkade Studios, exemplifies this with a display of spectacular color surrounding the grandeur of the estate built by George W. Vanderbilt and completed in 1895. Originally encompassing 125,000 acres, the historic gardens and grounds envelop and enhance the golds, reds, oranges, purples, and browns that fall brings, and surrounds the magnificent home with a warm and inviting glow. Biltmore is a family-owned, world-class travel destination, centered on home, welcoming the families and friends who visit each year. Maintaining the elegance, hospitality, and traditions of the Vanderbilt family and providing visitors with a stunning place to escape and enjoy time together is central to the Biltmore mission. Thomas Kinkade Studios invites you to enjoy this art, which celebrates the magnificence of this historic estate - a beautiful getaway nestled in the mountains surrounding Asheville, North Carolina, with enchanting architecture, gardens, and landscapes meant to charm, inspire, and delight.

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