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Thomas Kinkade

Bambi's First Year Publisher's Proof on Paper

Price:  $320
Item#:  91309

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27 x 18 in.
Publisher's Proof on Paper
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
The Publisher Proof Paper is a very small edition available at the discretion of the Publisher. Numbered and are designated PP during the numbering process.

When I set myself the goal of creating the twelve epic paintings for the Disney Dreams Collection, I knew it would be a vast undertaking. After all, each painting in the series presents a vision of the entire movie in one image - what I like to call a narrative panorama.

To suggest the moment of Bambi's empowerment, I positioned him on a rocky precipice overlooking the terrain of his kingdom and the four seasons of his first year. If you look closely, Bambi's self-sacrificing mother can be seens a half hidden image upon the distant mountain. Truly mother's love, like the spirit of the mighty mountains, will guide a son forever. The central theme of Bambi is the cycle of the seasons and the ongoing flow of life. Truly, water flows through the world like life itself - a timeless reminder that despite the passing seasons, nature thrives and a new generation is born.

I believe Bambi's First Year is the most breathtaking subject in my Disney Dreams Collection to date. I hope as you look at Bambi cresting the ridge of his domain, you too will feel empowered to live your best life and to count on a season of new beginnings, even when the challenges of life confront you. Truly for Bambind for us, life goes on.

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