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Robert Bateman

Sudden Move - Siberian Tiger

Price:  $1839.95
Item#:  8615

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32.5 x 16.25 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
Sudden Move - Siberian Tiger

A young Siberian tiger cavorts in the snow, stopping suddenly. Is he still in a playful mood, or will he pounce?

'All animals play, especially young animals. This is very evident to anyone who has ever had a pet cat or dog. Play however, often contains a foretaste of the real world of survival. Competition, aggression, and dominance are only slightly beneath the surface. A cat playing with a mouse is an experience that is not much fun for the mouse.'

'This is a young Siberian tiger that Robert Bateman saw in a Canadian game park. His northern ancestry makes him perfectly suited to the snow. He is almost fully-grown, but his youthful heart cannot resist a frolic in the freshly fallen snow and bounding about, he has been doing pretends pounces and mock charges. Suddenly, he stops in middash. The next second is unpredictable. He may roll over on his back, or he may attack.'

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