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Robert Bateman

Morning on the Flats Bison

Price:  $699.95
Item#:  14126

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19.5 x 10.25 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
Morning on the Flats Bison by Robert Bateman

On certain parts of the western mountains, geological disturbances have produced geyser and hot spring activity. These areas have an attraction to humans as well as wildlife. In parts of the world the natives use hot springs for cooking. They have also been considered to have health-giving attributes.

In the natural world they, of course, have a profound effect on the microclimate in the immediate vicinity. This is especially true in the winter. Plants can grow in the enter-nal warmth, and rivers fed by the hot springs stay open all winter in regions where all the other bodies of water are frozen solid.

The impact on wildlife is obvious. Waterfowl are able to swim and feed in the rivers all year round, but naturally a safe distance from the hot spring source. In areas of geyser basins there may be many square miles that are warm enough to keep grass and other plants growing all winter. This provides excellent game viewing opportunities as the population of the bison, elk and deer come from miles around. They congregate for food and for warmth. The added appeal from my point of view is the misty atmospheric effects caused by the warm, moist air and steam.

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