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Robert Bateman

Cardinal and Sumac Commemorative Stamp Edition

Price:  $275
Item#:  29071

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19.5 x 13 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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about this piece
Cardinal and Sumac

One of the ideas behind Cardinal and Sumac was inspired be a Smithsonian Museum display of an authentic east Indian village, complete with villagers going about their daily business. I was strolling through when, all of a sudden, a villager wearing a flaming red turban walked past a rich, terra cotta-colored wall. I was struck by the red-on-red vision -- it just sizzled. I knew then I would someday paint a cardinal in sumac.

Most North Americans have the opportunity to see cardinals in their own backyards. The cardinal, however exotic in color, is one of our most familiar favorites. I like the idea of the cardinal as a representative for Earth Day; it is appropriate that a backyard favorite represent our need to incorporate environmental action into our own backyards -- our local communities.'
-- Robert Bateman

The Commemorative Stamp Edition includes Mint and Signed Stamps.

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    Robert Bateman

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