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Renee Steger Simpson

The Box Collector Print #1/15 Artist's Proof

Price:  $299.95
Item#:  9570

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14.75 x 20 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
La Collectionneuse des Boites is the anticipation of a dream. I was going to Paris and all anyone could think of was the shopping. As an artist I was interested in the art and style. The histroy-and shopping was not really on my list of things to do. Again, the only people I really knew that had been to Paris could only talk about the shopping. I have a passion for boxes and will actually buy things that are neat in a box so I can have the box. Snooty Women only save the box, because it makes the purchase more prominent. Oh! My gosh, this is me. I save the boxes because of their shape and would put them on a platter and throw out the perfume (not really).
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