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Paul Landry

Apple Orchard

Price:  $150
Item#:  8247

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19.5 x 8.5 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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24 hours plus transit time
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about this piece
Walking on the rock walls in the apple orchard was always fun, especially when a friend could join you and your dog. The air was warm enough for the boys to be shoe and sweater free, yet cool enough to enjoy ourselves. The freedom was the main pleasure.

They weren't far from the village with its little shops and stores. But given the choice, the apple orchard won every time. They could play hide-and-seek, leap frog and other games. There were always apples to devour as they explored the paths with its trees holding their arms out, just waiting to be climbed.

Then in the distance, the dinner bell rang. Time to go home already? What a great day.

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