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Nelson Boren

Cowboy Fishin' Boots Giclee on Paper Print #1/30

Price:  $625
Item#:  31013

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21.5 x 22.75 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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24 hours plus transit time
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about this piece
In the dusty, sun-baked lands of the West, water is scarce and large bodies of water are even scarcer. The harsh rays of the sun drain the color from the landscape, drying up vegetation and inhabitants alike-but one cowboy will not surrender. He leans casually against a doorframe, showing off the vibrant blue water and leaping yellow fish on his Cowboy Fishin' Boots.

Artist Nelson Boren's portraits of cowboys take their inspiration from the sweeping landscapes of the West and then hone in on the little details that comprise a cowboy's life. His detailed studies of the trappings of the trade impart a romance and a gentle humor to what is commonly depicted as a hard and lonely existence.

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