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Mort Kunstler

Confederate Crossing Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $705
Item#:  27617

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33 x 21 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
Mork Kunstler's Comments

For more than ten years, I have wanted to do another painting of Nathan Bedford Forrest, spending much time researching and reading to uncover an event that could be dramatically portrayed on canvas. Some situations are very dramatic but do not lend themselves to creating a good painting. Other events are not necessarily important but work wonderfully to make an exciting picture. Confederate Crossing is one of the latter.

This painting depicts an obscure event that was overshadowed by a giant military campaign. The excellent biography of Forrest, The Confederacy's Greatest Cavalryman by Brian Steel Wills, follows the famous cavalry commander's actions. Forrest moved quickly, but he was always alert to danger - and that's the emotion I hope to convey in this picture. Here Forrest is seen advancing with troops commanded by Colonel Jacob B. Biffle (pictured immediately behind Forrest), as they ford the river. It was undoubtedly a tense moment: Northern forces might have opened fire on them from a riverside ambush. Fortunately for the Southerners, they crossed unopposed - but the day was cold, the snow was thick, and the water was icy.

I positioned the viewpoint of the painting so that the sunlight draws the viewer's focus to Forrest, emphasizing his prominence. Other elements lead the eye to the center of interest as well, giving depth to the picture. By taking a high viewpoint, I was able to paint a more panoramic vista and get more than sixty horses and riders into the painting. By depicting the last rider coming into the picture in the extreme upper right corner of the painting, I created a sense of flow that hopefully encourages the viewer to feel what it would be like to observe the passing of a large body of cavalry.

I hope this painting of a beautiful landscape conveys the crisp, cold weather, and the difficulties of fording a river in winter-like conditions - elements and actions Americans of the day accepted with routine courage.

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