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Liz Lemon Swindle

Son of Man: The Early Years Hardcover Book

Price:  $16.95
Item#:  901093
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8.25 x 9.75 in.
Hardcover Book
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about this piece
Artist Liz Lemon Swindle and author Susan Easton Black give eloquent voice to the much-loved story of the birth and early years of Jesus Christ in this new, beautifully illustrated family gift book. Known for her meticulously researched artwork (Joseph Smith, Impressions of a Prophet, 1998), Swindle’s paintings accompany the compelling narrative of BYU Professor Susan Easton Black (In the Footsteps of Jesus: Images of the Holy Land, 1999).

In Son of Man: The Early Years, Susan Easton Black leads the reader through the early years of the life of Jesus Christ in an informal style, with Biblical references. Although little is documented about the early years of Jesus Christ, both the artist and the author bring to life their shared vision of the young Savior as a child who walked the earth, laughed, played, worked and lived as a part of his native community. Swindle and Black feel that they have been laying the groundwork for this book for most of their lives. Fueled by passion and research, including several visits to Jerusalem, they are pleased to present this new gift book.

The artist hopes that the paintings will encourage viewers to explore a personal relationship with the Savior and that they will give the reader an intimate perspective of the young Jesus, in his mortal life, as a friend or a neighbor. The author chronicles what we know and what was prophesized about the birth and early years, as well as information about the Jewish life and communities in which Jesus was born. Susan Easton Black and Liz Lemon Swindle offer a fascinating portrayal of Jesus Christ as a courageous child of great faith and devotion, and with a powerful presence.

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    Liz Lemon Swindle

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