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LeRoy Neiman

Portrait of Liberty Hand Pulled Serigraph

Price:  $3990
Item#:  40993

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28.5 x 38 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
On this commemoration of the one hundred and twenty second anniversary of the Statue of Liberty, Neiman's dynamic brush stroke and vibrant color palette encapsulates the essence of Liberty. What Emma Lazarus emblazoned in words on the pedestal of the great statue, 'Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free', the enduring hopes and dreams that universally proclaim freedom, all this is symbolized in Neiman's riveting PORTRAIT OF LIBERTY.

Dedicated on October 28, 1886 the statue was a gift from the people of France to the people of the United States in recognition of the friendship established during the American Revolution. The idea was conceived in 1865 at a dinner party near Versailles, France. The honored guest was the sculptor Frederic Auguste Bartholdi who was then commissioned to design the sculpture.

In 1986 Neiman pictured the statue with his celebrated sold-out centennial edition serigraph, Lady Liberty. Now, twenty two years later, LeRoy Neiman has chosen to portray this colossal bust of just the head and crown, a beacon of freedom proclaiming to the world, 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness'.

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    LeRoy Neiman

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