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Joshua Spies

Long Tailed Duck with Decoy 2009 Federal Duck Stamp President’s Edition

Price:  $1230
Item#:  42112

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9 x 6.5 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
Joshua Spies' Long-tailed Duck with Decoy, 2009-2010 Federal Duck Stamp President's Edition

"I feel very honored to have won the prestigious Federal Duck Stamp competition this year. I was fortunate the judging was held so close to home, in Bloomington, Minnesota, as I was therefore able to attend along with my family and close friends. There are several significant and historic reasons why I chose to paint a Long-tailed duck with decoy for my entry. Legendary artist Les Kouba is the only other artist who has won with this species, formerly known as Oldsquaw, 41 years ago. Back in the day, my grandfather B.E. Spies was friends with Mr. Kouba, and over the years had accumulated several of his original paintings. Both have since passed on, and knowing the history between them, I thought it would be an interesting idea. I chose to add an antique-style decoy to do something different-a decoy has only appeared one other time on a federal duck stamp."

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