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John Simpkins


Price:  $499.95
Item#:  25256

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image Size:
40 x 7.375 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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24 hours plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
With this piece, I wanted to give the view a feeling of being watched over and protected. I wanted it to be something that will greet people as they come in and bless them as they go out.

The challenge of 'Angels' was to get something to work in that shape, which is why I came up with the smiling face in the center, putting an elongated angel out to either side. I could be either a sun or a moon face, so no matter what time of day, you are never alone. The most important thing of all is for viewers to add their own meanings to the work.

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    John Simpkins

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