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Jim Salvati

Hogwarts Express Giclee on Paper

Price:  $225
Item#:  27703

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20 x 13 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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about this piece
Painted by Jim Salvati, this image of Hogwarts Express is taken from Harry Potter and The Goblet of Fire, fourth in the series of novels created by acclaimed writer, JK Rowling. The producers of the Harry Potter movies brought Salvati on board to develop original interpretive production art. Through use of a subtle and soft quality, Salvati is able to bring complex and detailed ideas to visual reality. His originals are created with a richly textured style in the medium of oil painting. As a professor at the prestigious Art Center College of Design in Pasadena, California, Salvati seeks to stay in tune with the continually evolving approaches within art through artistic diversity. Jim's experience and knowledge cross many boundaries, from print, film, animation, to the fine art of Disney and Warner Bros. studios. Jim's fine art is collected throughout the world. This summer he will be in Japan for an exhibition of his current work.
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