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Don Troiani

Concord Bridge Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $750
Item#:  46603

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37 x 25 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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about this piece
Don Troiani has recreated the momentous scene at Concord Bridge that began the American Revolution and changed the world. Here the Minutemen lead by Maj. John Buttrick face three companies of British Light Infantry across the wooden bridge near Concord, Massachusetts. The Acton Company armed with muskets and bayonets was in the lead as the British opened fire without warning after being warned to stop removing planks from the bridge.

Buttrick yelled to his men, Fire fellow soldiers, for god sake fire! The fire of the regulars had killed Capt. Davis and Pvt. Abner Hosmer and wounded a few others. Drawn up in column in the roadway before the bridge, the few Americans that could aim without hitting their neighbor heeded Buttrick's command and returned fire. As the Americans deployed and more guns were brought to bear, the British lights withdrew in a panic towards the safety of a column of grenadiers that had marched out of town to reinforce them.

As the Redcoats evacuated Concord and its environs, they were followed and flanked by a swarm of angry, buzzing Americans from the nest they had disturbed and were stung badly on their retreat back into Boston, with some 73 British officers and men killed, another 174 wounded, and some 26 missing or captured. April 19th began what would lead to eight years of bloody conflict that would result in the 1783 Treaty of Paris and creation of a new nation, the United States of America.
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