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Dean Morrissey

Crimson Comet Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $595
Item#:  24112

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30 x 15 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
Fedex or UPS
*Canadian Orders
about this piece
Storyteller and artist Dean Morrissey brings his boundless imagination to his latest splendidly detailed canvas. He explains of The Crimson Comet, It is an adventure story about a five-year-old girl named Nora who has talked to the moon ever since she could remember. Often Nora would drop off to sleep right in the middle of the conversation. But on this night, as she was listing some of the things about being five that she was not particularly happy about, the moon suddenly blinked out like a bulb in a giant nightlight. Afraid of the dark, Nora runs to her eight-year-old big brother Jack, who, secretly, just so happens to be a superhero called The Crimson Comet. In a panic, Nora explains what has happened and Jack swings into action. Within minutes, the pair is soaring off into the night sky on his magic vehicle in search of the dark moon. The story of this journey is about the power of imagination and how these kids use it to resolve a dreadful situation. Their job is nothing short of returning celestial elements to their natural order in the universe, and, let's face it, you just can't do that without a healthy dose of imagination.

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    Dean Morrissey

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