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David Garibaldi

King of Quack Enhanced Giclee on Canvas

Price:  $495
Item#:  41409

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18 x 24 in.
Signed by the Artist
Numbered Limited Edition
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5 - 7 days plus transit time
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*Canadian Orders
about this piece
Donald Duck first appeared in the Walt Disney Picture's series, The Silly Symphonies, in 1934. Donald's creation came after Walt Disney heard Clarence Nash doing his duck voice during rehearsals one day. At that time, Mr. Disney felt that Mickey Mouse was losing his edge since becoming a role model for children, and he wanted a character that could portray some of the more negative character traits that he could no longer bestow on Mickey. Donald, with his enraged and, at times, unintelligible voice, was the perfect duck for the job.

David Garibaldi's, The King of Quack, is a contemporary, urban portrayal of this much loved Disney character. David Garibaldi's Pollock-like paint splatters and sharp line quality complement Donald Duck's abrasive, yet loveable, personality while also playing on the edginess of the character, the same edginess which Walt Disney sought out so very long ago.

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