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Bev Doolittle

Forest Has Eyes WSS From Where Silence Speaks Set 1986

Price:  $1509.95
Item#:  1161

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14 x 7 in.
Limited Edition
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about this piece
In The Forest Has Eyes, Bev Doolittle wants the viewer to share the emotions of the rider, and as he does, because his life depends on it, 'read' the story in the leaves, branches, water and stone that surround him. At first glance, The Forest Has Eyes might appear to be a trick painting, but Bev Doolittle's works must be looked at again and again, for they convey more than one message. Here we read the story of a mountain man, not easily frightened but respectful of the ways of the Indians. Passing through Indian territory, he is wary. He is also alone and alone for too long. That is when his imagination takes over, creating images and persuading us that they might be real. Our eyes play tricks. Does the forest have eyes?

The Forest Has Eyes, print #2 from Where Silence Speaks by Bev Doolittle. US ART named Bev Doolittle one of the most popular artists in the country for 1998. There were 16 collector prints or (MINI prints) in each Where Silence Speaks portfolio which comprised all of her works to that date, plus the limited edition print MISSED. The prints from the portfolio are smaller than the limited editions but have the same high quality printing and color of the larger prints. These prints are NOT cut out of a book. They are not signed or numbered but there are only 3500 Where Silence Speaks portfolios, so they are limited to 3500 of each image. Each one comes with a special page with a description of the print. These are very collectable and valuable prints. This collector print is the next best thing to the larger limited edition.

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    Bev Doolittle

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