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Winslow Homer

Artist Biography

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Winslow Homer

From the rocky shores of New England and the mountains of the Adirondacks to the palms of Florida and the tropics, Winslow Homer chronicled the American experience. Born in Boston, Homer's career began with an apprenticeship in a lithography studio.

In 1861 he traveled to Virginia as an illustrator for Harper's Weekly, recording the events of the Civil War. His vignettes of life at the front were immensely popular. After the war, Homer spent nearly a year traveling in France. Like the Impressionists, Homer preferred to work outdoors and was clearly interested in the effects of light on his subjects.

Homer is frequently referred to as an American Impressionist, yet his work possesses a singular style and, in contrast to his French counterparts, displays an engaging sense of narrative and a uniquely straightforward approach. A deft master of both oil and watercolor, the artist worked in both media throughout his career. Homer spent the last 25 years of his life in Prouts Neck, Maine. With advancing age, his art, prints and posters took on a more somber tone and focused on the formidable power of the ocean

Winslow Homer Art, Prints and Posters Collection