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Diane Romanello

Artist Biography

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Diane Romanello

Diane Romanello is a self-taught artist whose scenic art, prints and posters are characterized by a sense of beauty and romance, inviting the viewer into a serene, natural world.

Whether depicting pastel flower gardens lining a promenade, brick lanes, leading to lake fronts, or boardwalks which invite a walk on the beach, her art, prints and posters suggest the memory of a treasured place. The artist states, "I want the viewer to feel as though they can step right into my work.”

Diane's art, prints and posters blend luxuriant and soothing color with sumptuous texture, her brush strokes evident in every image. Her luminous beach scenes, landscapes, gardens and country retreats merge elements of fantasy with realism, accomplished by the artist's keen sense of light, texture and composition.

Diane Romanello Art, Prints and Posters Collection