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Elizabeth Allyn

Charles Wysocki

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Charles Wysocki

Charles Wysocki (November 16, 1928 - July 29, 2002) is a well known Americana painter. From his earliest memories as a little boy in Detroit, he loved art. He focused on it while attending Cass Technical High School and went on to apprentice at a few local art studios. After his two year stint in Germany during the Korean War in the early 1950s, he earned a degree in design and advertising illustration from the Art Center School in Los Angeles on the GI Bill. With his education, he returned to Detroit to work for McNamera Brothers. However, he eventually began to miss California, so he joined with three other artists to form the freelance ad agency Group West' in Los Angeles. It was there that he met his wife Elizabeth, a young art student from UCLA. They married on July 29, 1960.

Charles did good work, as evidenced by awards and accolades he began to collect, in addition to the high powered clients who contracted him. However, he was growing tired of the commercial art world. Increasingly captivated by the folk art he and Elizabeth saw on their many trips to the Northeast and the rural lifestyle his in-laws led, Charles was beginning to focus more on his own primitive fine art. When he held his own one-man art show and every single piece sold, Charles knew it was time to move on from commercial illustration.

Over the years, Charles had a relationship with AMCAL, who did all of the licensing for his collectibles, greeting cards, calendars, and prints for most of his career. He also worked with Greenwich Workshop and Hadley House for some fine art prints. Charles' style was cheerful and often invoked nostalgia or national pride. Over the years, his Americana Calendars have been especially popular. Charles Wysocki passed away at his home in Joshua Tree, California on July 29, 2002 at the age of 73. To this day, his art remains popular in a wide variety of forms, including collectibles and fine art prints.

Charles Wysocki Art, Prints and Posters Collection