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Will Barnet

Elizabeth Allyn

Will Barnet

Artist Biography

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Will Barnet

American contemporary artist, Will Barnet is an acclaimed painter of art, prints and posters, who has also taught art at the leading art schools in the U.S. Trained at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts School and the Art Students League New York. He later taught art at such leading American schools as Yale University, Cornell University, and the Art Students League.

A prolific graphic artist, Barnet changed his style significantly at different points in his career. His earliest art, prints and posters were influenced by expressionism; they were followed by abstract works in the 1950s and 1960s, and finally evolved into more figurative works of silhouetted forms set against geometrically designed backgrounds.

His art, prints and posters have been exhibited in prominent museums and galleries in the United States and Canada and is included in many prestigious collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Guggenheim Museum in New York and the Boston Museum of Fine Arts.

Will Barnet Art, Prints and Posters Collection