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Sally Wetherby

Ludovit Cordak

Sally Wetherby

Artist Biography

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Sally Wetherby

Sally Wetherby earned her BS degree in art from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. She pursued graduate studies at California State University in Long Beach and Sonoma State University. She began to study photography in 1982, concentrating on hand colored photograph art, prints and posters.

It was then that Sally began to combine painting with photography. Over the years, Sally's technique has evolved into the unique style recognizable in her art, prints and posters today. She employs photography, painting and computer work in her creative process, using layers of oil paint, transparent glazes, lacquer and wax on watercolor paper and wood panels to achieve a highly finished, and beautifully crafted effect.

Sally has traveled extensively in the United States, Europe and Mexico, Photographing the Landscape and exhibiting her work. Lately, she has returned to her studio in Mill Valley, California to concentrate upon still life photography combining her love of searching flea markets for interesting props and growing flowers, with photography and oil painting. Sally Wetherby's art, prints and posters has been widely exhibited and has earned numerous awards. Her paintings are included in many corporate, private and museum collections.

Sally Wetherby Art, Prints and Posters Collection