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Ron DiCianni

Artist Biography

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Ron DiCianni

Ron DiCianni is an artist whose heart is evident through the work of his hands. Whether depicting a prophet's tears, a father's prayers, or angels keeping watch, Ron's art, prints and posters have been enormously successful in reaching and awakening the spirituality of thousands of art collectors worldwide. Ron DiCianni has been an illustrator for twenty-five years.

His artwork has won him national recognition with many national corporations including ABC, NBC, the Smithsonian, and McDonalds. Ron was also commissioned as official artist of the United States Olympic Committee for the Moscow Olympic Games. Ron DiCianni has since dedicated his talents solely to the task of proclaiming the "Good News” of the Gospel. His passion is to renew visual arts in the church. He founded Master Peace Collection with Day Spring and has expanded that mission with his company, Art2See.

Ron's credits include cover illustrations for Darkness, Piercing the Darkness, and Angelwalk and being the creator and illustrator of the award-winning Tell Me series, featuring partnerships with Max Lucado and Joni Eareckson-Tada. Ron has recently authored Beyond Words, a collection of his favorite paintings with personal devotions. Beyond Words is Ron's first solo effort as both artist and author. Ron is a native Chicagoan and lives in Illinois with his wife, Pat, and his two best works of art, Grant and Warren.

Ron DiCianni Art, Prints and Posters Collection