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Harry Curieux Adamson

Ludovit Cordak

Harry Curieux Adamson

Artist Biography

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Harry Curieux Adamson

The undisputed master painter of wildfowl on the wing is Harry Curieux Adamson whose exhibition of art, prints and posters includes 45 oil paintings plus numerous sketches and temperas from his 60-year career. Throughout his lengthy career, Adamson has observed, studied and painted waterfowl migrations and is best known for his flocks of mallards and pintails although occasionally he paints bighorn sheep, condors, falcons, and tropical birds.

Although not a hunter himself, the viewpoint of many of his art prints and posters is from the position of a duck blind, and he is an arch conservationist having donated more than three million dollars to conservation causes.

Viewed by critics in the early part of the century as mere illustration, wildlife art, prints and posters have since gained status through its evocative realism and the current concern about vanishing habitats and species.

Harry Curieux Adamson Art, Prints and Posters Collection