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Sandra Kuck

Artist Biography

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Sandra Kuck

Born in East Liverpool, Ohio, she attended University of California, Los Angeles and the Arts Students League, New York City. She is five-time award winner, Artist of the Year, Association of Limited Edition Dealers (unprecedented in the 92 year history of limited editions) and selected "Woman of the Year", by the Council of Cerebral Palsy. She lives and maintains a studio in Boca Raton, Florida, where she paints art, prints and posters.

Capturing the softness and innocence of a child's face with a talent collectors find irresistible has made Sandra Kuck's art, prints and posters some of the most collected of any living artists in America today.

"My paintings are meant to be an escape from reality, an escape to the charm and romanticism of a Victorian era, rich in detail, pattern and decoration. I am interested in creating a peaceful mood through the subject matter, but also one that is visually exciting through the interplay of light and pattern and color."

Sandra Kuck Art, Prints and Posters Collection